Luxury can boost mood and build resilience–and it doesn’t need to break your budget!

Today is a day to “treat yourself!” It’s a day for enjoying life’s little luxuries, whether they come at a price or just make you feel like a million bucks. For me, this usually means enjoying all the great things I already have in my life (sitting in my back yard with a cup of tea and enjoying all the memories I’ve had there, lighting a candle and taking a relaxing bath with Lush products, etc.) or indulging in something I’ve wanted for a while (a new purse, a good book, etc). What makes you feel special? What are your favorite luxuries? Let’s explore what they might be and how they can help you enjoy your life more!

“The greatest luxury is being free.” – Manolo Blahnik

We should celebrate the broader concept of enjoying life’s little luxuries. Let’s explore how we can infuse our daily lives with touches of luxury in both small and affordable ways, enhancing our sense of well-being and adding a touch of elegance to the ordinary.

Here’s some more of what the research has to say about this:

  • The Psychology of Small Indulgences: Small pleasures can boost happiness more consistently than major, less frequent splurges.
    • Action: Incorporate small, affordable luxuries into your daily life, such as a high-quality coffee blend or fresh flowers for your desk.
  • Impact of Aesthetic Enhancements on Mood: Beautiful surroundings can significantly elevate mood and decrease stress.
    • Action: Enhance your living or workspace with aesthetically pleasing elements like art prints, stylish organizers, or elegant stationery.
  • Benefits of Savoring Pleasurable Experiences: Actively savoring positive experiences can deepen and extend their emotional impact.
    • Action: Take time to fully enjoy and reflect on special moments or treats, such as savoring a piece of gourmet chocolate or a glass of fine wine.
  • Importance of Reward in Motivation: Small rewards can significantly increase motivation and satisfaction with life.
    • Action: Set personal milestones and reward yourself with little luxuries when you achieve them, like a spa day after a big project.
  • Restorative Effects of Leisure Activities: Engaging in leisure activities you perceive as luxurious can restore mental energy and improve resilience.
    • Action: Schedule regular “luxury” time for activities that feel indulgent, such as a long bath, reading a novel, or dining out.

More Ways to Treat Yourself

So how else do we get more of these benefits into our daily lives, especially if we don’t have deep pockets to help us get the luxury experiences that can boost our mood, build resilience, and make us feel like royalty? Fortunately, a lot of this can come from a shoestring budget. Here are some options to consider:

  • Upgrade Everyday Items: Switch regular items for more luxurious versions, like using linen napkins instead of paper or a better brand of tea or coffee. Flats can become heels, cologne can come out and play–be a more luxurious version of yourself as well! (Studies show that this can actually boost your mood, too.)
  • Dress Up the Ordinary: Make everyday activities special by adding a touch of elegance, such as using nice dinnerware for meals or dressing up for no particular reason. Add a slice of lemon to your water at home, add some music to your meal prep (if you don’t normally do this), and find new ways to “dress up” your regular experiences.
  • Indulge in Arts and Culture: Regularly consume high-quality cultural products like classical music, fine arts, or literary classics. Museums are great for this, but even just listening to beautiful music on Spotify can work on a budget. Or hang a beautiful print in your home to remind yourself that you’re worth it everytime you look at it.
  • Create a Luxury Ritual: Establish a ritual that feels luxurious, whether it’s a weekly gourmet treat, a special way of relaxing, or a beauty regimen.  (I like bubble baths for this purpose–sometimes complete with candles, music, and luxury products, but sometimes just a 5-minute bath can help me feel like a queen.)
  • Gift Yourself Flowers: Regularly buying yourself flowers can brighten your space and mood, providing a simple yet effective luxury.  I like to get carnations every two weeks (yes, they last that long!), but I also grow flowers in a garden I can see from my kitchen window and they make my daily life more beautiful.

What kinds of everyday luxuries and mood-boosting positive experiences can you add to your daily life to build resilience? I encourage you to choose one or two and add them to your plans for the week. Then journal about how it makes you feel, or let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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