Wardrobe and wardrobe organized according to the Japanese method of Mari Kondo.

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

– Benjamin Franklin

If you’ve ever spent time searching for something you know is buried “somewhere” in the house,” invested hours into cleaning house before people come over, or learned to ignore piles in the corners of your home, you know some of the toll of clutter. That’s why it’s important to learn about the significant benefits of an organized living environment. An orderly home minimizes daily frustrations and tolerations, leading to a more peaceful and productive life. Here we’ll delve into the advantages of home organization and provide tips for creating a serene and efficient living space.

It’s been estimated that a large percentage of marriages fail because of clutter—people grow tired of living in their spouse’s mess or, conversely, being nagged to clean. People feel controlled or taken for granted, or overall frustrated with the state of their relationships because if the stress that clutter can cause. I do feel more research needs to be done on this, but I have no doubt that clutter affects relationships and overall couple and family happiness. It also affects the productivity, creativity, and stress levels of everyone in the house. So I’m thrilled to help you come up with a system to tackle it! I had to learn the hard way how to keep clutter under control, so I know what an important topic it is, and I have some hard-earned tricks up my sleeve to share. Read on and get inspired to declutter!

Here’s some research on the topic:

  • Impact of Clutter on Stress: One study found that cluttered homes are linked to higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. Action: Dedicate time to decluttering your living space.
  • Organization and Productivity: Research also shows that organized spaces can enhance focus and decision-making. Action: Systematically organize your work and living areas. If you don’t have hours at a time to set aside, you can take just 15 minutes a day and make significant progress sooner than you probably think!
  • Tidiness and Mental Well-Being: A study suggests that tidiness in the home can improve mental well-being. Action: Create and maintain a regular cleaning schedule. Again, just 15 minutes a day is enough to keep most homes clean if you rotate chores so you’re doing something each day.
  • Effects of an Organized Environment on Creativity: Studies indicate that an organized environment can bolster creativity. Action: Ensure your creative spaces are well-organized.
  • Home Organization and Time Management: Organizing experts highlights that an organized home can save time otherwise lost in searching for misplaced items. Action: Once you’ve cut down on the amount of superfluous “stuff” you have in your space, you can implement effective storage solutions in your home. This can make a huge difference in the amount of time it takes to keep your home clean.

If some of this research inspired you (as it inspired me), here’s a list of next steps you can take to get clutter under control in simple, doable ways:

  1. Start with a Plan: Identify areas in your home that need organizing.
  2. One Space at a Time: Tackle one area before moving to the next.
  3. Declutter Regularly: Remove items you no longer need or use.
  4. Implement Storage Solutions: Use shelves, boxes, and organizers effectively.
  5. Label Everything: Clearly label items for easy identification.
  6. Maintain Daily Tidiness: Develop a habit of daily tidying up.
  7. Optimize Your Workspace: Create a dedicated and organized area for work or study.
  8. Simplify Your Decor: Embrace a minimalist approach for a less cluttered feel.
  9. Regular Cleaning Schedule: Set specific days for deeper cleaning tasks.
  10. Involve the Household: Encourage all household members to participate in organizing.

If you’d like more support in organizing your life in a way that decreases friction and stress and increases productivity and creativity, download my appsubscribe to my newsletter, or contact me to book a free coaching call!

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