“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
Living our lives with a focus on a specific purpose, there’s almost nothing we can’t accomplish. Being on-purpose means living each day with intentionality and mindfulness. But it’s easy to slip into aimless habits without realizing it. (Trust me, I’ve watched my share of random tv shows and spent time procrastinating too!)
That’s why National Be On-Purpose Month is a time to reflect on our life’s intentions, to align our daily actions with our deeper goals, and to embrace mindfulness in all that we do. It’s about finding our passions and purpose, and dedicating ourselves to pursuits that bring meaning and joy to our lives. Let’s focus on the importance of living with purpose and offers guidance on how to put our intentions into action.
You don’t need to have one overarching purpose for you to live a purposeful life. (It’s great if you do, but not necessarily a deal-breaker if you don’t.) the key is to have a purpose for your actions throughout the day, throughout your life, to live with intention and awareness. Read on for more about this:
Research About Purpose:
- Intentionality and Well-being: Research by Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006) shows that purposeful individuals tend to have higher levels of well-being. Action: Set specific, meaningful goals for your personal and professional life.
- Mindfulness and Living on Purpose: Kabat-Zinn (1994) highlights that mindfulness enhances the quality of life by keeping individuals grounded in the present moment. Action: Practice mindfulness techniques to stay focused on your present actions and goals.
- Passion and Persistence: Vallerand et al. (2003) found that harmonious passion is linked to persistence and satisfaction in activities. Action: Identify activities that align with your passions and incorporate them into your daily routine.
- Goal Setting and Achievement: Locke and Latham (2002) demonstrate that goal setting is effective for task performance. Action: Break down your larger purpose into achievable, measurable goals.
- Self-Reflection and Purpose: Studies suggest that self-reflection can help clarify and reaffirm one’s purpose in life (King, 2001). Action: Engage in regular self-reflection to understand and reaffirm your life’s purpose.
These studies give me motivation to live with greater purposefulness, especially when I find myself slipping into mindless habits and time-wasters without realizing it right away. Here are some ways you can create more purposefulness in your life. I challenge you to try one or two of these, depending on where you are in your relationship with purposefulness and mindfulness:
- Define Your Purpose: Take time to clarify what is truly important to you.
- Set Clear Goals: Align your daily goals with your overarching purpose.
- Mindful Daily Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine to stay present and focused.
- Engage in Passion Projects: Dedicate time to activities that fuel your passion.
- Reflect Regularly: Regularly assess your actions and their alignment with your purpose.
- Seek Learning and Growth: Pursue opportunities to learn and grow in areas related to your purpose.
- Cultivate Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage your purpose.
- Stay Adaptable: Be open to adjusting your path as you gain new insights and experiences.
- Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories along your journey.
- Give Back: Find ways to align your purpose with activities that contribute to the well-being of others.
If you’d like more support in organizing your life in a way that decreases friction and stress and increases productivity and creativity, download my app, subscribe to my newsletter, or contact me to book a free coaching call!